From Monsefu
To Azángaro
Trip Monday 10 June

Monsefu to Azángaro


Information about the city Monsefu

Monsefú is a town in Northern Peru, capital of the Monsefú district in the Chiclayo in the region Lambayeque. It is renowned for its food and handicrafts, which are on display at the annual FEXTICUM festival, named in 1973 by Professor Limberg Chero Ballena and held in July during Fiestas Patrias. Monsefú is also the home of the cumbia groups Grupo 5 and Hermanos Yaipen. Monsefú was elevated to the category of "city" on October 26, 1888.

Before the arrival of the Spanish, Monsefú would have been part of the chieftainship of Cinto, with the name of Chuspo, whose main center have been located in the vicinity of the hill San Bartolo. Early in the second half of the sixteenth century, they would have been reduced in Callanca, heavy rains and floods in 1578, blighted the crops and affected the population composed of huacotoledistas. In 1612 the population of Callanca are attacked by a disease, the population was reduced by the disease, survivors after a few years, were located in what is now Monsefú.

The headquarters of the Chilean army during the occupation of Peru (1879-1893) was located in monsefu. Chilean troops entered into monsefu without shooting a single bullet. The commander in chief of the invader, gral Patricio Lynch, acted as a major of the city. During his tenure, he improved the sanitation system, organized a garbage collection service, built the first sewage system and reorganized the whole administration. Historians concur that the general lynch was probably the best authority of monsefu. Citation needed:Segunda memoria que el Contra-Almirante D. Patricio Lynch, Jeneral en Jefe del Ejército de operaciones en el norte del Perú presenta al supremo gobierno de Chile (g)

The town of Monsefú was created at the time of Independence by the Liberator Simon Bolivar.

Information about the city Azángaro

Azángaro is a town in Southern Peru, capital of the province Azángaro in the region of Puno.[1] The colonial church in Azangaro is known as the golden temple. In the adjacent Plaza San Bernardo, Pedro Vilca Apaza was drawn and quartered for his role as a General in Tupac Amaru II's attempt to liberate Perú from the Spanish government. His last words were, "Por este Sol aprended a morir como yo." After Tupac Amaru II's execution, leadership of the revolution shifted to Azangaro. The church bell tower, an example of colonial decorative adobe, was much disfigured by rains before recent rains caused a collapse of most of the tower. The gold interior is a magnificent example of rich colonial art. Recently, colonial treasures were robbed from the church. Azángaro was "discovered" by Captain Don Manuel Ortiz Aguilar on November 1535. The priest Rodrigo Chrysostom, overseer of the Doctrine of baptism of the Collao Indians in 1535, is the first to report on the existence Azángaro, which was located in the place called Macaya and there an idol of a cat whose eyes were rubies was worshiped. When Christians brought indoctrination to this place, the doctrine of "Our Lady of the Rosary" was founded and a small church was built in the orders of the Dominico Father Tomas de San Martin and Acosta (the same who founded the University of San Marcos) and cacique Fabian Mango. The arrival of the Spanish in Azángaro occurs in 1535. In 1542 the Viceroyalty of Peru covering 3 states are created: Lima, La Plata and Chile, this time Azángaro and Puno belong to this Viceroyalty. Already in the Republican Era, in 1825, by the law of February 5 Azángaro is elevated to city status. In 1825, by the law of June 21 Azángaro was created as the capital of the province of the same name with its 18 districts: Achaya, Arapa, Asillo, Caminaca, Azángaro, etc. The economy is based primarily on Azángaro's development of livestock production activities, supplemented by agriculture, crafts, trade in agricultural products, consumer goods and non-regional transportation services. No figures are available regarding the provincial gross domestic product, but it is known that animal exploitation is the largest contributor to the economy by raising cattle, sheep and alpacas, which generate end products such as milk, wool, skins and meat for consumption; also products are obtained for transformation, such as milk for processing into cheese, yogurt for human consumption, sheep, alpaca and llama wool and cow leather.

Vídeo de Monsefu

Vídeo de Azángaro